Dental Banjanin

center for esthetic and reconstructive dentistry
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About Dental Banjanin

Associates of our dental office are doctors with the following specialties: dental prosthetics, orthodontia, periodontology, oral surgery and implantology.

Belgrade dental clinic
“Dental Banjanin” is a center for esthetic and reconstructive dentistry.
The main purpose?
Health of our patients comes first, and its preservation achieving it. For that reason, we follow contemporary international doctrines based on biological principles.
What does it mean ?
By relying on our expertise and professionalism, accompanied by continual improvement and years of experience, we are able to provide the highest level of service with well-guided diagnosis and to respond to all your needs at one place in professional manner.

We are characterized by modern approach in preserving oral health.
How do we achieve that?
Our office is equipped in accordance with the leading international standards, and we are using top-quality brands in our work. For your comfort, we are trying to create a pleasant atmosphere in order to make your visit comfortable. Leading international technologies, continual education of our professional team and individual treatment of every patient are a guarantee for our success and your personal satisfaction.



  • Aesthetics
  • Children dentistry
  • General dentistry
  • Implantology
  • Oral surgery
  • Orthodontist

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